this is soooo it. i finally had this chance to sit down and think things over. November was so great. And for sure, this December isnt going to be left behind even a bit.
The Cebu Trip was so cool! (Im so sorry you guys, im working on my blogs using our desktop so the pictures cant be uploaded at the same time. )
It was supposed to be a trip to Hong Kong, but since some have expired passports, then thiw wont work. This is supposed to be our Thanksgiving/Team Building activity. So everyone was expected to be there. Then everybody checked for seat sales, first found was in Davao. Thought of things to do there, cant really think of A LOT, then there came CEBU and as in in that instant, David told us to book. And so the Aa and vren and remy did. That was awesome. Airfare was solved. Then, things got so out of hand, the team just decided to do it backpacker style. Meeting adjourned.
The next day, we had a problem! Some of the tickets didnt went through so they have to go to the office to manually do it. SO, what happened was, we were divided into two groups, the first flight, at 4am and the 2nd @6am. And guess what. I was included in the first group, not mentioning that the 1st group was composed of the BoVi gentlemen, David,Paul, Rob, Carlos and Jax. Yep, all boys. and im the only rose. AWKWARD! that's what i thought. But honestly, there's no air of awkwardness then! I felt like being on an airplane with my big brothers and i felt like nothing could go wrong and everything's fine. ( David is my Boss, btw. so everything should really work out great with the 1st group right)
We arrived 5am, walked a long way and really commuted going to Marriott Hotel. From there, we received a news that the 2nd flight, composed of the BoVi ladies will be delayed. So what's left for us to do? Easy. Boss treated us to a buffet lunch! That's what we get for being with the boss and im so thankful that im with the boys! I really felt like i was back to being that tomboyish girl from elem-hs! hahahah!
Once the ladies arrived, we started the tour! for starters, we tried the best lechon in CEbu, (CNT) in ayala mall, which gave me the feeling of being in greenbelt. as in same design and all, less people nga lang. Went to their very own Divisoria too, less people nga lang ulit, as in much less. Then off we went to the Taoist Temple, On our way there, i was like thinking if this was like the Grotto in Baguio, But buti na lang hindi. lesser steps. hahahah.
After that, we hired a jeep going to Mactan Shangri La where we tried their best selling drink : BUKO JUICE! Oh my! that was really tiring! trying to finish that up! it was like it was bottomless! and no matter how hard i tried to kill it, i cant. I felt disappointed for not finishing that Buko. Then off we went to Imperial Palace. Our thing here is to have a feel of the finest hotels in Cebu. 7 star daw. That i cannot believe kasi from what i know, isa lang ang 7 star hotel sa buong mundo. at nasa dubai yun. Oh well. Then when we were about to go back to the city proper it started raining! reallly! so hungry and tired we ended up eating in a locale grill which was actually good naman!
Then, we had this room with 11 beds! yes, we all slept in one big room! and that was soooo fun! parang i could feel the bond, and im just so happy that im rediscovering myself again. Its been a long time since i last felt this way. With Akdang Buhay, then with pax and now with them. Just so nice.
We woke up around 4am the next day kasi we need to make habol sa bus going to Bantayan Islands! And 'the boss' was one of us. Im just amazed by this person because he is so humble! Then that was my first time to rife a RoRo too! shet. This just keeps getting better and better! And when we actually came to Sugar Beach, oh my! Was so clean and looks like we were the only people there! we immediately changed outfits and rode a small banca so we could go snorkeling na! everybody jumped into the water just as soon as the banca motor stopped!
From Bantayan Island, we again visited another VIRGIN island and thoughts came rushing in, someday, im gonna bring my family here. Someday.
We were so tired going back to Marriott but the feeling diminished when the boss said, we are going to have a feast. Buffet dinner it was. And from there, they gave me a name, silent killer, for i silently kill whatever. hahahahah! going back to our big room,i immediately fell asleep while the others had some story telling over bottles of beer.
The next morning, boss was about to say farewell so we had breakfast at UCC before he left. Then i went with the group who was scheduled to go to Tabuan, where dried everything was being sold. I spent Php2,000 for dried pusit and daing and dried mangoes and dilis! Whoa. Then had some massage while some had their time at Redbox in Ayala. Then went back to the airport for the flight going back to Manila.
Kokok, Mama, Dad, Chok and Theng was there to fetch me, and we had a very nice late dinner at Iceberg's by the bay. ( Was supposed to be at seafood island but since that was a tuesday, we bet they were already closed.)
So that's pretty much everything that happened in Cebu. Not that detailed blog but will for sure be forever be remembered.