It's already the 29th and in a few days, it's 2011 already. Indeed, time flies so fast. Im not gonna run down the highlights of my 2010 just yet. Just this December lang, because for sure, this December is the busiest December that I had since my father passed away, four years ago.
Last week of Cebu, was all about work. Cebu then client coming over, meaning good times with the Boss and the team. December came in, celebrating David's birthday ( the Boss ) and Paul's wedding, may i say, EXTRAVAGANT wedding. ( now i have a new criteria for my own wedding. It's scaring me a bit, but i think my groom would be more scared if he knew this. haha! ) Then the Chirstmas kicked in and got me. So Christmas shopping here and there and Christmas bondingS with the family. (take note of the "S") Oh! and before I forget, was able to book to Bohol for our anniversary too! and just before Christmas eve, I was able to book another trip to Puerto Princesa. That's why we got so much to look forward for this January 2011.
Thanks to the people who helped, but im not gonna drop names just yet, okay? Im reserving it for my final blog this year, will be posted exactly on new year's eve.
Oh,what to have on media noche Just remembered what we had last Christmas!
Bacon and hashbrowns and waffles and grilled steak, liempo and tilapia and spaghetti and chicken nuggets and two oh-so-sumptuous cakes from my fave cake shop ( actually, this shop is so special to me because i ALWAYS remember Munch and Cieds, we used to hang out in there! )
Okay. now imma stop. Because something just popped in my head right now. my expenses! $$$$$$!!!!! bills to pay for laptop, for bookings, thinking i just bought a new headset, and a lot of spendings just because its Christmas! Oh Christmas, what power you have to make me splurge this much!
I have plans of enrolling myself in a lyrical hiphop dance class around February, MAYBE after dancing with my former crew for Musicfest, legis/consaltia. ( its one. )
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