Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Anger Management


If there's such a subject, im probably one of the best in class. Im quite transparent, at home and at work. But anywhere aside from the two, goodluck if you'll ever feel my anger. It keeps burning inside of me.

Family, (including my Kokok) officemates and few close friends can really tell once im in that mood. Yes im Ms. Congeniality most of the time but im also human. i get irritated and pissed too. But i kinda mastered the art of anger management. That way i see it, i call it, the Fake Set Up.

So, am i a fake person? NOt really. NOw that I admitted publicly that i am fake, its like exposing my true self. Therefore, revealing my true identity. I define fake set up as: i feel negative inside but i radiate positivity outside or most of the time silence. Just being quiet. ( so be extra careful whenever i am silent or emotionless) Now why do i do that? Simple. Because Im afraid. Afraid of myself once i burst out of anger. I tend to say a lot of negative things whenever I am mad. And most of the time, one may get hurt of what im gonna say because it is the truth. Only a few can handle it. That's why i got few close friends and A lot of so-so friends. Hmmm. ( Definition of few close friends: around 20-30 people. Few noh! hahaha! )

Hey. once you see me in that state, press it. Trigger me. Because i believe its going to give strength to our bond. Arguments make people grow. If truth be told, i like arguments. If im proven wrong, i'll grow. And if i prove someone else wrong, both of us will grow. BUt honestly, im not always brave enough to start or press an argument. Because, not all arguments build or gives growth. Its a risk too, you know? You are risking what could be something special. So what exactly am i pointing out? To argue is to choose to grow and to choose to build a stronger bond. So, if you feel like building a longer and lasting relationship with someone, dont be afraid to press an argument. Just be sure to open your mind and heart and both of you will grow and will build a true bond of friendship.

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